Sunday, June 15, 2008

22 years and counting

Its been awhile since I've posted something, but I've been busy.....busy as hell! I've been working alone in the office w/the day job and last week the new guy started, and I've been showing him the ropes. Sorry everyone!

Ok, for todays posting, I want to talk about my husband, Mike and our marriage of 22 years......yup, 22 YEARS! And talk about the fun we've had on the way! He's my best friend, my lover and my court jester. LOL!!! See what I mean??? How many men do you know have the balls to put on a Hannah Montana wig??

Mike is a great dad too....

Thats him w/Jordan, our youngest lil monkey. Arent they just damn cute together???
And this is us, last year at Jonathan's graduation (5/2007)

I'm lucky, I'm not gonna even lie.

There's one argument that sticks out in my mind. It happened shortly after we were married and I was damn pissed at him for some stupid reason or another, so I yelled "You're sleeping on the couch tonight! I dont want you in the same bed". He kindly climbed into bed and said "Babe, if you dont want to be near me, then you can take your ass to the couch tonight, because this is my bed too and I'M SLEEPING IN IT!" He turned over and went right to sleep. I was furious! But my butt stayed in the bed too! (make up sex is the best! LOL!)

Like I've said, Mike is the family man. He loves his kids and is very proud of them and their accomplishments no matter how big or little. He's always been there for me as well. Always encouraging me to do the best I can.

I hope he knows how proud we are of him and all of his accomplishments.
I LOVE YOU BABE! AND HERES TO ANOTHER 22!! I cant wait to grow old with you......oh wait, we already are old!

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